Multiplier AI

Hyper Personalized One - To One Doctor Communication In Real Time With GenAi

Rapid HCP identification

Gain insights into patient sentiments
Actionable ROI demonstration

Our Value Proportion

Accelerating Healthcare Outcomes With AI

What We Offer

Doctor deep profiling for more than 100 parameters: Understand what doctor is looking for.

Gold standard of doctor data with consent platform for UCPMP and DPDP compliance.

Single sign - on dashboard for driving patient footfall to doctor clinic: Get universal view across 10,000 doctors patient footfalls.

Platform to partner with doctor influencers to increase share of voice and mind among the community.

Increase medical representative time in the doctor cabin by 100% with patient footfall report.

Challenges We Solve

Pharmaceutical companies have more than 57% doctor discrepancy in their CRM systems.

How to increase medical representative time in the doctor cabin?

Doctor consent for engagement on omnichannel platforms.

Understanding what a doctor wants from the pharma company is the biggest unsolved challenge.

Increase in share of voice and share of mind among doctors about the brand.

Most projects get stuck with compliance.

UCPMP and DPDP policies impacting the conventional marketing strategy.


Minimum 120% increase time spent in doctor cabin by Medical rep

Increase in medical rep efficiency by 37%, as they have doctor list and insights on “next Best Action”

Increase in prescription by 25% with increase in specific disease footfall of patients.

Project sanction increased by 50% with the doctor consent model.

Increase in brand share of voice and mind across the category with doc influencers by 35%.

Contact Us

During a complimentary 30-minute consultation, our expert will offer tailored insights and demonstrate how our innovative solutions, can significantly enhance your pharma and healthcare strategies